We are a collaborative, interdisciplinary firm of innovative building services engineers and consultants.


At Engineering 350 our goal is to provide solutions that find an optimal balance between environmental benefit, social well-being and financial viability for the client and for the global community.

In every project, we encourage the architectural and engineering teams to understand and explore the unique challenges presented by the design brief.

We use energy modeling in the early stages of design to communicate concepts and facilitate understanding of the interplay of daylight, solar radiation, thermal comfort, ventilation, and acoustics. We understand that early collaboration with the owner, the architect, the wider design team, and the community leads to successful and enduring buildings and to communities that are valued by all stakeholders. Our building system recommendations result from this collaboration and respond to the desired architectural expression. We explore passive and natural cycle strategies early to minimize reliance on active systems, and we evaluate carbon emission and life cycle implications of building systems and material choices in the design process. We take water and waste cycles into consideration with energy and emissions in our drive to create and retrofit zero energy, zero waste, and water independent buildings and communities.